
Bellicon - Přehled všech kategorií (2)
od 16 365,00 Kč
Bellicon Fitness trampolíny (1)
Bellicon poskytuje širokou nabídku kvalitních fitness přístrojů a příslušenství pro domácí trénink. S Bellicon Fitness trampolíny produkty budete fit, zhubnete a udržíte si zdraví.
4 733,00 Kč
2 618,00 Kč
Bellicon Příslušenství trampolíny (2)
Posilování s fitness přístroji a příslušenstvím má pozitivní vliv na Vaše tělesné i duševní zdraví. Z tohoto důvodu byste měli dbát při zakoupení posilovacího přístroje na jeho kvalitu. Produkt z Bellicon Příslušenství trampolíny sortimentu Vám zaručuje účinný trénink plný bezpečí a kvality.
zobrazit veškerý Bellicon Příslušenství trampolíny sortiment
The Swiss company has a many years experience in the developement of high-quality health products. Among others, especially elastic and dynamic rebounders, mini trampolines with special springs and a point-elastic spring mat, the Dynamic Rebound Methode have been developped. This methode allows a comprehensive health training, several seminars on the principle of subjective low demand, gentle health training, and the Kunhardt-methode.
The aim of Bellicon to allow all people an easy and motivating training for the healthy prevention. It results in the development of the highly elastic and dynamic trampolines Medi-Swing and belli-Swing. The soft swinging on these mini trampolines has a lot of positive effects on the whole body, always makes fun, and can be used by every one. You can compensate your lack of motion in a gentle way with Bellicon Medi-Swing or Bellicon belli-Swing - just try it and you will see it.
The aim of Bellicon to allow all people an easy and motivating training for the healthy prevention. It results in the development of the highly elastic and dynamic trampolines Medi-Swing and belli-Swing. The soft swinging on these mini trampolines has a lot of positive effects on the whole body, always makes fun, and can be used by every one. You can compensate your lack of motion in a gentle way with Bellicon Medi-Swing or Bellicon belli-Swing - just try it and you will see it.