Intelligent exercise equipment for maximum effect
MFT - Přehled všech kategorií (1)
dosud 2 089,00 Kč1 983,00 Kčušetříte 5%za 30denní nejlepší cenu 2 089,00 Kč
7 403,00 Kč
MFT Balanční trénink a koordinace (2)
MFT poskytuje širokou nabídku kvalitních fitness přístrojů a příslušenství pro domácí trénink. S MFT Balanční trénink a koordinace produkty budete fit, zhubnete a udržíte si zdraví.
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MFT fitness equipment: not just for skiers
MFT is the official supplier of the German Ski Association. Skiers prepare for the new season with running, strength training, and gymnastics. But that requires a lot of time and discipline. Skiers get into shape faster and more efficiently on MFT fitness equipment – all from the comfort of their homes.MFT discs are not only interesting for skiers, but for all athletes for whom coordination is important. The green plates have now found their way into numerous fitness studios and rehab and therapy centres. Personal trainers work successfully with MFT as well.
Even in the case of back pain and tension caused by lack of exercise or an incorrect sitting posture, MFT exercise equipment is a good choice: with regular workouts on MFT discs, back pain will soon be a thing of the past.
The MFT philosophy
Strength training, endurance training, and coordination training: every form of workout has its justification. Ewald Aigner, MFT inventor, set himself the goal of bringing these forms of workout together. Training with MFT discs is the new trend and is in the process of conquering fitness studios and rehab & therapy centres. It allows for harmonious interaction of all muscles. After all, only when the body moves like a perfect team, strength and endurance improve and you reach your personal workout goal faster.
Official supplier of the German Ski Association