Nike 50-mm Change Plates – Pair
č. výrobku N-PCAK-0102
detaily výrobku: Nike 50-mm Change Plates – Pair
- Weights ranging from 0.5 to 2.5 kg
- Rubber-coated surface to protect floors
- Quiet and durable plates
- Supports making daily strength gains
- Colour-coded by weight (better visibility of different sizes)
Features / specifications:
- Thickness: 13 mm to 20 mm, depending on the weight
- Diameter: 130 mm to 230 mm, depending on the weight
- suitable for all 50-mm barbells
- Weight precision: +/- 1%
popis: Nike 50-mm Change Plates – Pair
The different sizes help you challenge yourself every day. Slowly increase the weight with each workout to make constant gains. The different colours tell you immediately how much weight you're adding without looking at the number. The Nike 50-mm Change Plates are available in the weights 0.5; 1; 1.5; 2 and 2.5 kg. Every kilogram you add to your exercise brings you one step closer to your goals even if that step is small. Adding weight in small increments can help with smaller muscle groups and bring more variation into your workout.
The rubber coating of the plates makes them resistant to wear since it protects against dents and chipping.
The rubber coating of the plates makes them resistant to wear since it protects against dents and chipping.
Záruční podmínky: Nike 50-mm Change Plates – Pair
Záruka: Pro koncové spotřebitele platí záruka podle všeobecných zákonných předpisů.
Výrobce neposkytuje žádnou dodatečnou záruku výrobce/záruku.
Nike 50-mm Change Plates – Pair Test a hodnocení
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Nike 50-mm Change Plates – Pair příslušenství
od 9 518,00 Kč
- Nike Plate Tree & Barbell Holder
K dodání od KT 14
6 610,00 Kč
Bezpečnost produktu
Manufacturer Information
Výrobní informace zahrnují adresu a související informace výrobce produktu.- Dimension 6
Valkenboskade 613
2563JG Den Haag
The Netherlands - +31 7231 -4940
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