Smithův stroj Taurus Multipress
č. výrobku TF-SM
detaily výrobku: Smithův stroj Taurus Multipress
- Multipress / Smith Rack – činková tyč s 11 možnostmi výškového nastavení
- Maximální zatížitelnost: 200 kg
- Ideální pro cvičení s dlouhou činkou, např. squaty | Dřepy, benchpress, veslování s dlouhou činkou, mrtvé tahy a další
- Tyč má velmi plynulý pohyb a zajišťuje vysokou úroveň bezpečnosti při tréninku
- d 103 cm | š 123 cm | v 214 cm | Šířka činkové tyče: 186 cm
- Velmi stabilní ocelový rám s profilem 6 x 6 cm
- Plochy pro navlékání závaží s průměrem 50 mm, každá o šířce 25,5 cm
- Tyč lze výškově nastavit v 11 polohách od 25,5 cm do 169 cm
- Se 2 výškově nastavitelnými bezpečnostními záchyty pro Smithovu činku
- Elegantní design s přesně frézovanou výškovou stupnicí
- Včetně háků J-Hooks / systému Safety Spotter
- Dead weight of the barbell: approx. 9.5 kg
popis: Smithův stroj Taurus Multipress
The Smithův stroj Taurus Multipress is perfect for barbell exercises such as squats, bench press, barbell rows, deadlifts and more. The barbell height can be adjusted to 11 different heights from 25.5 cm to 169 cm and has a maximum weight capacity of 200 kg, meaning this workout machine is suitable for beginners and advanced users alike. The very smooth running of the bar and the high level of safety during training ensure a pleasant and safe workout experience.
The chic design with precision-milled height scale and the very sturdy 6 x 6 cm steel frame make the Taurus multipress Smith machine a real eye-catcher. The holder for 50-mm weight plates, each 25.5 cm wide, provides enough space for the weight you need. Using the weight plates, you can fine-tune the weight according to your needs.
Another highlight are the two height-adjustable safety stoppers for the Smith barbell, as well as the included J-hooks / safety spotters. Additionally, these enable safe training with a barbell and provide additional safety when performing the exercises.
Regular strength training isn't just important to bodybuilders, but also fitness enthusiasts. Building muscle mass not only has an aesthetic appeal, but can also have a variety of positive effects on health into old age. Thus, targeted strength training can prevent osteoporosis and other signs of ageing and relieve back pain.
Invest in your health and order the Taurus multipress Smith machine today!
The chic design with precision-milled height scale and the very sturdy 6 x 6 cm steel frame make the Taurus multipress Smith machine a real eye-catcher. The holder for 50-mm weight plates, each 25.5 cm wide, provides enough space for the weight you need. Using the weight plates, you can fine-tune the weight according to your needs.
Another highlight are the two height-adjustable safety stoppers for the Smith barbell, as well as the included J-hooks / safety spotters. Additionally, these enable safe training with a barbell and provide additional safety when performing the exercises.
Regular strength training isn't just important to bodybuilders, but also fitness enthusiasts. Building muscle mass not only has an aesthetic appeal, but can also have a variety of positive effects on health into old age. Thus, targeted strength training can prevent osteoporosis and other signs of ageing and relieve back pain.
Invest in your health and order the Taurus multipress Smith machine today!
Záruční podmínky: Smithův stroj Taurus Multipress
Záruka: Pro koncové spotřebitele platí záruka podle všeobecných zákonných předpisů.
Smithův stroj Taurus Multipress Test a hodnocení
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Manufacturer Information
Výrobní informace zahrnují adresu a související informace výrobce produktu.-
Fitshop GmbH
Flensburger Straße 55
24837 Schleswig
Germany - +49 04621 42100
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