
Koupit Weight plates 50mm u evropské jedničky v domácím fitness

Fitshop důkladně testuje každý fitness stroj. Posléze náš tým, skládající se ze sportovních vědců, výkonných sportovců a servisních techniků s dlouholetými zkušenostmi, hodnotí výrobky v různých kategoriích. Díky testovacímu posudku od společnosti Fitshop můžete snadno porovnávat výrobky a najít si správný stroj pro trénink.

50mm weight plates - real professional quality

The 50 mm weight plates are mainly used at gyms. In combination with weight benches, power racks, and 50mm barbell bars, they dominate the free weight zone and provide most intensive training sessions. 50 mm weight plates are offer good services in private fitness rooms, because they meet requirements of ambitious users. Regarding 50 mm weight plates, we offer conventional plates as well as those with 3D grip structure also known as gripper weight plates. Besides hammer finish varnished weight plates, we also offer rubberized and chrome weight plates. Our premium weight plates come from the renowned weight's manufacturer Ivanko. Perfect design, great durability, and a very low weight tolerance are main features of these professional weight plates. The Californian company emphasizes its market position with its precious weight plates and meets completely the requirements of perfect performance, durability, and functionality.
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67x v Evropě
Evropská jednička v oblasti fitness strojů
67x v Evropě