Koupit Dumbbell bars 30mm u evropské jedničky v domácím fitness
526,00 Kč
658,00 Kč
394,00 Kč
1 320,00 Kč
343,00 Kč
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Dumbbell bars 30mm - perfect for strength training at home
The dumbbell is the ideal training equipment for starting home workouts. The dumbbell is unmatched in its versatility and is suitable for many different types of training.
By means of dumbbell bars, you can compile your own dumbbells as you like it. Dumbbell bars of 30 mm fit to common weight plates for strength training at home.
There are some things to think of before purchasing a dumbbell bar - which differences are there between the bars and which effects do they have on your strength training:
- The type of dumbbell collar can present a decision criterion for purchasing dumbbell bar. We offer you bars with screw-cap, clip collar, and standard collar.
The screw-cap, also called star collar, is based upon a thread, which presents the holding fixture of the bar. The star collar is screwed on the thread and fixes weight plates. The advantage of this system is that even heavy weights are tight and cannot slip off from the side of the bar. This type of bar is recommended for high training weights.
The clip collar is the one which is the easiest to use. By pressing together the metal springs, the collar is opened, which can be slid over the holding fixture of the bar. When you release the spring, it straitens and is tight on the bar. This type of bar collar is the most comfortable for strength training sessions with weights often changing, though the clip collar offers less stability than a star collar system.
Bars with standard collars form a compromise of a very stable but lavish star collar system and the easy, but light clip collar system. The standard collar is slid over the holding fixture of the bar and tightened by a screw.
When you wish to purcahse a dumbbell bar, the handle material should be considered as well. When you exercise without training gloves, we recommend a bar with rubberized handle. When you wear training gloves, a bar without rubber coating offers a better grip.