Ironmaster cable tower V2 for Super Bench weight bench

č. výrobku IRM-1041
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  • Exclusively as accessory for the Ironmaster weight bench Super Bench
  • Sturdy calbe tower for highest requirements
  • Extended exercising possibilities for back, arms, legs, abs, etc.
  • Incl. Lat pull bar
  • First class pull movements
  • Height-adjustable leg support upholstery
  • Integrated transport wheels
  • Easy installation (on the Ironmaster Super Bench weight bench)
  • Weight resistance is individually and optionally adjustable with weight plates (30/50 mm) or Ironmaster Quick Lock dumbbells
  • max. hmotnost uživatele: 113 kg
  • rozměry po sestavení - Ironmaster cable tower V2 for Super Bench weight bench: (d) 48 cm x (š) 55 cm x (v) 218 cm

The Ironmaster cable tower V2 (or: Cable Tower V2 Attachment) extends the Ironmaster Super Bench weight bench by varied exercises. Thanks to the upper and lower rope, exercises for back, biceps, triceps, abs, and legs can be done. Weight plates with 30 mm and 50 mm diameter as well as Ironmaster Quick Lock dumbbells serve as resistance. The maximum weight load is 113 kg, so that even athletes doing weight training will reach their limits.
The Ironmaster cable tower V2 can be easily attached to the Ironmaster Super Bench - and also stored with the integrated transport wheels.

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Manufacturer Information

Výrobní informace zahrnují adresu a související informace výrobce produktu.
  • Tunturi New Fitness B.V.
    Purmerweg 1
    1311 XE Almere
    The Netherlands
  • +31 629 383777
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