Nike Kettlebell

č. výrobku N-KCAL-1109
náklady na dopravu: Prosím vyberte variantu
Dodání prostřednictvím FedEx/UPS
dosud od
od 860,00

  • Weight range: 4-40 kg
  • Material: cast iron
  • Sleek, black powder coating
  • The powder coating gives you a good grip even without chalk
  • Features / specifications:
    • Weight precision: +/- 3%
    • Grip diameter: 30 mm to 40 mm, depending on the weight
    • Grip width: 160 mm to 238 mm depending on the weight

Durable sports equipment

The black powder coating on a Nike Kettlebell looks great and provides for excellent grip without needing to chalk your hands. The flat base gives the kettlebell stability and prevents wobbling.

Whether beginner or seasoned athlete, everybody gets their money's worth

There are so many exercises you can do with the kettlebells. You can do deadlifts or squats with a kettlebell to strengthen your back, core and glutes. Furthermore, the overhead press is an ideal exercise to do with kettlebells to train the deep musculature of the entire upper body including the shoulders, neck and arms. The kettlebell offers a number of possible grip positions for various exercises. Advanced fitness enthusiasts can try variations like one-legged deadlifts to target their hips and back. The one-hand swing is another effective exercise for training the deep musculature of the back as well as the glutes, shoulders and arms.

Don't wait. Increase your strength with a kettlebell today – JUST DO IT

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